Monday, March 27, 2006


...weekend - in all senses of the word. Most of Sunday I felt like a big fat slug on my sofa. I think it was partly to do with the clocks going forward ( See here for the justification of that theory) but there are other excuses like a very busy couple of days on Friday and Saturday, a new bag on Saturday which is hanging on (but a bit sore) - and of course the fact that I'm still recovering from major surgery...

But that's not good enough. I'm being a bit lazier than I should be. I need to get up a bit earlier, make sure I go for a walk each day ( generally weather is no longer an excuse - although it 's pouring with rain this morning!) and start eating more sensibly. Get myself healthy for the chemo like I did for the op.

Talking of chemo, I've got another appointment with Dr Coxon this afternoon - this is my chance to ask all the questions I've still got about the treatment and to try to persuade her/find out if it's possible to have it orally rather than intravenously.

Report to follow.

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