Thursday, March 23, 2006

It's Not All Bad You Know (iv)

A great evening out at Patterson's ( ignore the bad reviews here - they were brilliant!) with my team in London. And they gave me a surprise leaving present as well - a briefcase. I was really moved - or was that just too much wine…

The bag behaved itself but I must admit that by 10.30 I was pleased to get back to the hotel room. I was absolutely exhausted. But even though people ( of course) kept asking me how I was, it was good to feel that cancer wasn't taking centre stage for once. Maybe I'm fooling myself, but it felt like that.

But it has also made me realise that I'm not up to regular trips away yet - I just don't have enough confidence or energy. It'll come though.

Slept like a log and then back up on the train this morning. Nap on the train. Nap when I got home.

Oh - and Friends of The Heroes have published three more of my poems!

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