Saturday, April 08, 2006


OK - I'm going to go for this and take the chance by declaring the new two-piece bag a success! I changed the baseplate myself 5 hours ago and all seems just fine. It was a bit different to fit - maybe a bit more fiddly - but also quite a bit more tolerant of my ineptitude.

I'm so pleased.

A nice stayover last night with R & C my ex-parents-in-law in South Yorkshire. Since the end of my marriage 6 years ago, we've kept in touch and are still very close. I've kept them a little bit at arm's length since my op just because, well, you have to draw a line somewhere. But they've been very concerned about me and wanting to come up and see me/(look after me... ) for ages so I thought that the best thing to do was a brief trip to see them so that they could see that I am basically OK.

My longest drive so far ( two and a half hours ) which went fine - no real discomfort at all. Warmly welcomed by hugs, a lovely meal and a good helping of whisky, we had a great evening catching up. I enjoyed being with them and I think they were reassured about me as well. We've planned that they'll come up to stay in a month or so's time so that R can help me with getting the backyard sorted for the summer.

I slept well ( the whisky...) and drove back at lunchtime today, calling in to Tescos on the way home to do my first proper ( non-internet) grocery shop since I came out of hospital. It was quite tiring and I still feel quite vulnerable with crowds of people but I'm pleased to have done it.

To celebrate I rewarded myself with the Completely Unnecessary Purchase of a portable colour TV/DVD for my bedroom...

...and while I was installing it later, the snow came down. It is April isn't it..?

And now, it's 8.00pm ( Great to look out and see that it's not completely dark yet) and I'd better go and get something to eat.

Then an earlyish night with the new telly beckons...

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