Monday, December 19, 2005

Beating Bowel Cancer

I came across this organisation recently. They have a very good website - clear, simple and jargon-free.

I wrote to them to ask if I could link from here to their site. They said yes, which is great. Thing is, does anyone out there know how I make the link in the side panel of this blog using the logo? I can link to the logo itself ( just by putting it on my flickr site and linking to it there) but of course I want the link to go directly to itself. Any ideas?

They also asked if I'd consider being a Patient Voice for them. Feels a bit early to me really.


Dexter said...

Hi Simon,

Link code e-mailed to you.

The Apologist said...

Thanks Jan - I know what you mean. It's on my list to think about after Christmas but pre-op. It's just I still don't quite feel like a person with cancer yet - although a v depressing visit to the Cancer Clinic yesterday is er... helping with that.

Thanks Stevie - looks great!