Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I wonder how many UK blogs have the title " Hot" today...?

Anyway - it is. Very. Just seen that parts of the UK were hotter than Athens today. Ironic that - my old university friend S ( another one!) and her children are over from Athens at the moment seeing her parents - they're coming up to stay with me for a couple of days tomorow.

That partly accounts for the tidying up I've done today. But not entirely - for some reason I've sorted and tidied all sorts of other things I 've been meaning to do for ages, not least of all my study ( I may rename it my "studio" when I get my New Acquisition. More on that soon...) which was a tip and now is tidy and accessible.

I've tried to stay in as much as possible, although I did have my lunch in the shade of the yard (cooler than the house at that point) and I definitely feel much better. Not sure what to do about work tomorrow ( I'd already booked Friday off to spend the day with S and the kids ) - I think I'll take it as sick leave but dip surreptitiously in and out of the emails during the day. The weather is expected to break - and then heat up again for the weekend.

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