Saturday, November 25, 2006


Feeling a little bit low today. Somehow I've picked up a cold so I'm snuffling all over the place and my wound isn't healing as quickly as I'd hoped - it's still seeping a bit, in spite of having the stitches out yesterday. If it's not sorted by Monday, I'll go back to the hospital and ask them to have a look at it. The nurse at the surgery yesterday wasn't concerned so I'm sure it's nothing.

On the positive side, my tummy seems to be settling a bit. The beans yeterday don't seem to have had any adverse effect.

I hope to be blogging about jollier stuff soon!

1 comment:

The Apologist said...

Thanks Peter

Yes - I went a bit mad with food in the first couple of days and paid the price - but I'm being a lot more sensible now and it's working!