Saturday, December 16, 2006

Taking Time Off

I've been overdoing it. I went out for a drink and a meal with C in Newcastle last night. Had a great time and a good catch up, but by the time I got back to Durham I was in a bad state - a very upset tummy. No taxis to be found at all. Miserable.

In the end, I phoned J and bless her, she drove up from her house and picked me up, took me home and made me a cuppa. I feel a lot better this morning - and a bit silly. But as she says, that's what friends are for.

My own fault - a big meal and a bit more wine than I'm used to drinking and , well, frankly the combination proabably made me forget that I still have to look after myself.

Going to take it very easy today. Christmas on hold till tomorrow.

1 comment:

The Apologist said...

Thanks very much Jules - I hope you have a happy, healthy and restful Christmas too - 2007 won't know what's hit it!

Yes - I think it was the liver thing with me too. Is it something to do with our condition or the chemo or just recovery? I just feel like I'm not processing anything quite properly yet.