Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve...

...and time to think about my New Year Resolutions.

1) Lose weight ( I decided that last year too - and have put on half a stone since then...)

2) Get fit again. ( With a specific goal in mind)

3) Reach Level 70 on World of Warcraft. ( Decide what to do then once the new expansion comes out)

4) Investigate becoming a Cancer Voice. ( The only C - related resolution )

and finally

5) Take and post a self-portrait every day for a year. ( Sosij has been my inspiration for this)

There are others - but they're just for me.

1 comment:

S Cooper said...

Good luck to you, I hope you find it fun and fulfiling. Glad you liked my final film, it was such a lot of fun.
