Sunday, February 03, 2008

Every Day Is Like Sunday...

I always look forward to weeks when I'm working at home. But by about Wednesday things start to drag- no matter how busy I am and I begin to wish I was away again! This week was no exception - I think I've just done this sort of job for too long.

I've also not quite felt 100% all week - nothing too serious - just a bit fluey and queasy. ( It's poor J who's been really ill with whatever this bug is that's going around.)

The house buying/selling palaver has trundled on as well - I think we've moved forward and I may even ( fingers crossed) have a buyer for this place. But still no completion date.

But the highlight of the week was definitely seeing Morrissey at the Sunderland Empire on Friday. He was superb. Such shame that J was too ill to go.

I'm away on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

That'll teach me...

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